Arapaima vikt

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  • Mal wikipedia

    The arapaima is possibly the largest freshwater fish in the world, reaching up to pounds ( kilograms) and 10 feet (3 meters) in length. However, sizes of pounds ( kilograms) and 7 to 8 feet ( to meters) in length are more common. The arapaima is found in Brazil, Peru and Guyana.


  • Arapaima leptosoma shown at its full length. Arapaima can reach lengths more than 2 m (6 ft 7 in), in some exceptional cases even exceeding m (8 ft 6 in) and over kg ( lb). The maximum recorded weight for the species is kg ( lb), while the longest recorded length verified was m (10 ft 1 in).
  • Fisk med bred mun

    Diet: Carnivore. Size: up to 15 feet. Weight: up to pounds. Also known as the paiche or the pirarucu, the arapaima is an air-breathing fish that plies the rainforest rivers of South America's.

  • arapaima vikt
  • Amazon fish

    The arapaima looks less like a fish than a prehistoric torpedo. It's the largest freshwater fish in South America, where it can grow to over eight feet long and weigh more than pounds.

    Mal i svenska sjöar

      One of the world's largest, most endangered, and most mysterious freshwater fish has yielded a new surprise: a likely new species—and possibly several more—have been lurking in the backwaters.

  • Mal eskilstunaån
  • Mal eskilstunaån

    Arapaima gigas, also known as pirarucu or simply arapaima, [3] is a species of arapaima native to the basin of the Amazon River. Once believed to be the sole species in the genus, it is among the largest freshwater fish. The species is an obligate air-breather, so needs to come to the surface regularly to gulp air.

    Fisk med morrhår

    The arapaima, aka the pirarucu or paiche, is an air-breathing fish native to the streams of the Amazon River. It can weigh over pounds. The largest arapaima on record weighed over pounds and measured 15 feet long.

      Skäggtömmar 6 stycken

    They are some of the largest freshwater fish species in the world, and the largest individual ever recorded measured in at 15 feet long, and pounds! There are four recognized species of arapaima, and a there may also be a fifth separate species. Read on to learn about the arapaima.